Felix is a walking fool now, but Lili is not far behind. She took her first steps yesterday, on Daddy's birthday! I was getting them ready to go out to dinner and she took 2 steps to me! I guess she didn't know what else to get Luis for his birthday.
On the way to California Pizza Kitchen, Luis saw Famous Dave's, and we ended up there. It was all of our first time there, and it was good! The babies loved the corn cobs, me and Luis had already eaten the corn. We did give them some when we were eating it, we aren't that mean!

We got this a brownie thing for desert. It was nice and warm, but between Luis, me, and Chone, we couldn't even finish it! It had Kahlua on it. When I told Chone, she said, "Do you think I'm ganna throw up?" She is so afraid of alcohol!

Today after school, me and the kids headed out to the T.O. mall. We had $25 in gift cards from Build-A-Bear to spend. Chone got a harry potter wizard costume for her build-a-bears. Me and Chone decided it was time for the twins to have their own. I was showing them the different dolls (the cheap ones), and they both were loving the dog, so they got the same one. It was their choice, not mine! Chone helped to get them stuffed and rubbed the heart on the twins nose and forehead and made a wish for each twin. She wished that the dolls would be perfect for them. I named Felix's Ruff and Chone named Lili's Dots. I put their initial on the tag so we know which is which. (When we left the mall it was raining! I hate to drive in the rain!) When we got home they got to take them out of the box.

Lili has this new thing of hugging stuff. It's really cute. She was even hugging a bag of wipes the other day. What a wierdo!

Felix was really amused with the box cause it had a little door that opened on one side.

i cant stand how cute my god-daughter and nephew are!!!!
i second that, they are getting so big, and they are so cute.
that was nice of you to invite Tio Javier to dinner!
i like the zoolander face felix is making in the last pic... ~pap
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